Successful Applications



In the Antofagasta de la Sierra photovoltaic solar park (PSFV), in the province of Catamarca (Argentina) owned by the provincial energy company EC Sapem, the firms Air Total and Energy Partners put into operation a hybrid solution. 

This system allows diesel generators to work in parallel with renewable energy (solar). This new photovoltaic / diesel park has a solar power of 600 nominal kWp and two CAT C18 generators of 660 kVA nominal each.
The plant operates isolated from the electricity grid, being essential the integration of the generation systems to provide a greater degree of reliability to it. The control of the gen-sets was entrusted to the ComAp modules with their Hybrid software as the power generation manager.
Our hybrid solutions are ideal for reducing the cost of generating a fossil fuel-based plant, injecting it with renewable energies but maintaining the degree of safety and reliability thanks to diesel generators in the face of variations in renewable generation.

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