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Success cases

Control and Monitoring System on the San Arawa II Fishing Vessel

The San Arawa II freezer fishing vessel has a length of 61.40 meters and a refrigeration capacity of 1,000 tons. It is one of the vessels equipped with the most modern technology in the Argentine fleet.
The power generation plant consists of two 250 kW Caterpillar generators and a tail alternator coupled to the vessel’s main engine. For automatic paralleling management, InteliGen Marine controllers are used on the generators and InteliMains on the tail alternator. The InteliMonitor software is used for complete system supervision and control.

The San Arawa II is a clear example of the integration of advanced technologies in the fishing industry. The use of InteliGen Marine and InteliMains controllers allows for efficient and reliable energy management, essential for long fishing trips at sea. These controllers ensure that the generators operate in perfect sync, optimizing fuel consumption and reducing equipment wear.

The InteliMonitor software provides a centralized platform for monitoring and controlling all aspects of the power generation system. This includes real-time monitoring of operational parameters, early detection of potential failures, and the ability to adjust systems to maintain optimal performance. The software’s intuitive interface makes it easy for the crew to manage the complex energy system, ensuring that the vessel operates safely and efficiently.


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