Successful Applications



In order to operate sustainably, Buquebus has its own gas liquefaction plant in San Vicente, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It produces up to 84 tons of liquefied gas per day and has a stock capacity of 200 tons. 

For the handling and processing of gas, it has the latest technology in the field, which guarantees efficiency, safety and environmental safety.
This very important private investment was executed with the latest technology. The objective of the plant is to generate Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to supply the turbines of the “Francisco” ferry.
In these types of plants they comply with rigorous protocols and safety standards. Buquebus relied on Servintel International and ComAp to control and monitor various processes and systems of the plant, including the fire fighting systems. The fire pumps for this installation were implemented by InteliDrive - Fire Pump Controller (ID-FLX FPC).

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