IPU Vent Trap Tank Breather

General information
Even with good fuel housekeeping procedures, water and particle contamination can get into storage tanks through the atmosphere.
Night-to-day temperature changes cause tanks to slowly inhale and exhale. As biodiesel is hygroscopic it absorbs water from any new air it comes into contact with. The inhale-exhale process also enables dust and other wear particles to come into contact with your fuel. To protect your diesel, we recommend installing an IPU Vent TRAP (Thermally Reactive Advanced Protection) tank breather which removes moisture from incoming air and, during the exhale cycle, passes dry air through the vent trap purging moisture from the filter.
- Advanced Technology
- Automatic Operation
- Biodiesel Compatibility
- Easy Installation
- Contamination Protection
- Moisture Removal
- Air Purification
- Improved Engine Durability
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